General Chatter

Would anyone be willing to be Facebook friends so we can tag each other in competitions without annoying all our non-compy friends?

17 Sep 24 5:13 AM
General Chatter

Anyone else getting sick of this message, just because they screen you out so much?


We regret to inform you that your account has been limited to participating in Happy Hour Surveys only, at this time.

Rest assured, the restriction will be automatically lifted once the required performance threshold is met.

General Chatter

I have done a few surveys, but they only awarded me guesses instead of compbux??

22 May 24 5:41 PM
General Chatter

Was there no draw on the 23rd? No results showing at all for that draw. Is the guessing game not running any more? I ask on the chat bot thing but get no reply from the website.

30 Mar 24 8:08 AM

No draw again? No results posted again. Please let me know if the draw is not going to be on anymore.

31 Mar 24 7:05 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

what happened to the list of winners and winning numbers in the Guessing game? Its disappeared from my screen , please restore as its good to know there were actual winners and how close we got!

11 Aug 23 4:46 PM

Something weird going on in the guessing game...

03 Dec 23 6:41 AM
General Chatter

56,000 points/compbux so i am not a novice! but now have this on my screen copy below


We regret to inform you that your account has been limited to participating in Happy Hour Surveys only, at this time.

Rest assured, the restriction will be automatically lifted once the required performance threshold is met.

Asked 33days ago why I'm still limited as i did 5 "happy hour surveys on 1 June 2023, still waiting for an answer and have now done more surveys up to 94%complete to be kicked off?!
Anyone else in this boat?

03 Jul 23 8:10 PM

I don't have the restriction message issue but I have had the almost completed survey 90-99% and then get screened out.. its very unfair to gather our considered answers on the actual survey content/topic and then not get rewarded for it.

10 Aug 23 5:59 PM

I had a restriction on my account for months and months before it was taken off. Really annoying.

19 Nov 23 7:48 AM
General Chatter

I'm new doing this some of the survey are hard it hard for me to read it hard be a dicsbilly

Feedback / Suggestions

please add YEAR to timestamp as its hard to tell when things were posted. I have requested this numerous times but it doesnt seem staff EVER check these forums .. but you never know!!

24 May 22 3:39 PM
Feedback / Suggestions

Do they answer their chat messages? It says they are online but they won't answer. Why is the guessing game not working properly? I won 5 guesses but there is no free guess part on there any more.

23 May 22 7:54 AM

I was about to ask the same thing, I have a number of free guesses and can't use any :(

23 May 22 8:56 AM

yes its getting VERY frustrating

24 May 22 3:36 PM

Free guesses have now been removed from the 2000pts game, but can still be used with the 500pts game. I also can't find where it tells you how many free guesses you have left. Then there's PayPal rewards being dropped and no surveys to do in a long time. Looks like this website is about to collapse like many others recently. :-(

12 Feb 23 6:57 AM
General Chatter

Hi All, I redeemed points for PayPal cash and was informed would be paid by the 15th of the following month. !5th came and no cash in account, so got in touch with support messaging (Ma) and was informed it would be in this week and that PayPal was having problems. Anyone else not been paid?

19 Mar 22 3:01 PM

24 March 2022
E-gift cards not working for ages too I still see. Not doing any more surveys till paid.

General Chatter

How long is this gift card Maintainance going on for, screnn says 24-48 hours but its been weeks now

Feedback / Suggestions

I'm getting a message to verify my account with a mobile phone number ... I don't even own a mobile phone. :o(

24 Jun 21 4:27 PM

I am having trouble claiming my gift card

04 Mar 22 7:59 AM

How to I claim my points, it has been down for maintinance for days.

06 Mar 22 12:05 PM

How long is this Maintainance going on for?

07 Mar 22 7:55 AM

I say the same what's happening please

Feedback / Suggestions

since when did daily click only work if we've done a survey in the last 72 hours. I try them all but 95% of time get kicked off.
15april 2021

Feedback / Suggestions

would be good to have date stamps on posts to show the year, Ive bought this up before. but no action. Some of the posts are old!!!

03 Jan 21 2:53 PM

obviously admin never monitor the forums.

23 Mar 21 4:03 PM
General Chatter

This is the second time I have done a servey and not got paid . Why?

05 Jul 20 8:47 AM
General Chatter

Avatar Manuka Honey NZ has a give away - mainly leaderboard style but also has quite $$$ of spot prizes, I think ends in 2 days on 24 April.

22 Apr 20 6:49 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

Can we no longer get gift cards for rewards from this site from surveys completed? This option has been 'Under Maintainance' for some time now.

01 Apr 20 7:54 PM

I am trying to get gift card, not having any luck. Always under Maintainance. What is going on?

07 Mar 22 7:53 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

I haven't been able to select a gift card for reward redemption for some time now. Is this option not available to NZ members any more?

Feedback / Suggestions

How do I contact this organization, it says click on chat bot at bottom right of screen, but there is nothing there, I claimed 3400 points into my PayPal account on the 12/09/18, but still have not received it. How long does it take

17 Sep 18 5:36 PM

Did you hear back from them? you can us contact us scroll down to the bottom of the page if you still need too :)

11 Oct 18 7:48 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

Why are you phasing out PayPal? There is not a very good selection of eGift cards for New Zealand members, in fact most seems to only be able to redeem in Australia :( Are you going to phase out New Zealand members too?

29 Jun 18 10:43 AM

i got this answer from alex: hi. NZ can still use PayPal.. gift cards will be available for NZ next week

06 Jul 18 4:38 PM

Will be interested to see what it looks like next week

08 Jul 18 12:20 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

Why are they stopping the guessing game?
I like it a lot and suggest they keep it going, as it is fun to play :-) DOES NOBODY TALK ON HERE?

09 Apr 18 11:27 AM

Not very often from my experience, not sure why they stopped the guessing game. I don't recall seeing any reason, I enjoyed it too, maybe if enough noise is made they will bring it back :)

16 Apr 18 7:32 AM

Yes that would be good. I won it once.

16 Apr 18 3:51 PM

@jeanmark Hi there, thanks for using the site, we are in the midst of some updates but it may be a couple of months when and if we bring it back unfortunately.

26 Apr 18 2:09 PM

That will be good, I would love to play it again.

28 Apr 18 5:14 PM

fingers crossed you do :)

28 Apr 18 9:37 PM

I agree..please bring 'Guessing Game' back, it is missed by many.

21 May 18 8:58 AM

@admin @admin Thanks for your reply, I wait to see :-)

29 May 18 1:22 PM
General Chatter

You know what,,,the kiwis are up there with the greatest in sport for a lil nation,love the strength in mate ship and love, good luck all!!

General Chatter

Has anyone redeemed bux lately? I just redeemed 10000 on Sunday the 14th and wondering how long it takes for payment to be made. In the past I thought it was quite quick, within a couple days of redeeming. Thanks

18 Jan 18 8:23 AM
General Chatter

Merry Christmas to everyone, have a safe and happy New Year :)

11 Dec 17 7:57 AM

Thanks, and to you also :)

13 Dec 17 7:59 AM

Happy Birthday:)

30 Mar 18 12:43 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

Why is it that I get a notification of an available survey, but when I click on the link within a minute of receiving the email, the page says there are no surveys available. How about only sending out emails when there are surveys available?

General Chatter

Has anyone else had problems getting on the site or with the Guessing Game? My last weeks guesses haven't shown up..can anyone tell me what number week approx the guessing game is up to please? ..(mine says 252) Thanks in advance :)

15 Oct 17 3:16 PM

we are up to #254 but the results of#253 are not showing along with our guesses. don't know who won for last week .
My daughter was sure some numbers were missing from her guesses lately.
The site has been unreachable at times. The number competition might be coming to an end for NZ ...

16 Oct 17 5:50 AM

The prize has changed and I think I had guesses missing too. I hope it doesn't end

16 Oct 17 11:41 AM

showing today games
254    145, 954, 363, 444, 848, 554, 222    321    jo l (jojo323)
Guessed 319
253    452, 514, 672, 194, 785, 333, 747, 858    891    Rob D (azpen)
Guessed 889

22 Oct 17 2:14 PM

Thanks for the replies, much appreciated..And yes the prize has changed as I was lucky enough to win 5000 compbux :)
(5200 compbux = $50) Hopefully more surveys will be sent as I haven't had a survey invite for years lol

22 Oct 17 6:18 PM

@jojo323 congrats.. yes I get less surveys these days and often get screened out. So it takes a long time to get enough points to redeem.
Good luck withe earnign points to get to 5200.. would be nice if that was the prize.. just short is frustrating! But you could always go for the $30 ... better than nothing aye.

23 Oct 17 1:16 PM
General Chatter

Win a $200 Ham Cooked any way you like!

09 Oct 17 12:31 PM
General Chatter

Has anyone redeemed any Compbux lately?

17 Jul 17 6:04 PM

Nope !!

01 Aug 17 10:33 PM

once this year I have

19 Aug 17 8:15 AM
Feedback / Suggestions

how do you find a competition? I type in chase the champions and irtt does not list. this is crap. it runs until 30 4 17.

General Chatter

What was the most happy moment in your life?

21 Apr 17 12:33 AM

When I won Pepsi Promo trip to New York for 7 nights all expenses paid to watch Beyoncé and also meet her and band, also went to her Jungle Studio for demos, too much to mention!!!

06 Jun 17 2:05 PM

Wow Trevsta ..what an amazing prize to win...wish I could've fit in your suitcase lol :)

30 Jun 17 9:21 AM

@jojo323 I definately could have fitted you in lol, happy comping mate :)

01 Aug 17 10:31 PM
I've Won | Healtheries NZ - Win 1 of 12 prize packs of Green tea


Feedback / Suggestions

The Mindfood competitions are always for Australian entry only . These aren't the NZ ones that we are allowed to enter.

15 Dec 16 1:21 PM
General Chatter

Has anyone had any surveys lately and also has anyone earned enough points to redeem? I've been stuck on the same points for ages and don't think I will ever earn enough to redeem them lol.

14 Dec 16 12:11 PM

I think I have redeemed once and am close to redeeming again, well about 300 off lol. It does seem slow accumulating point with this one. It might be they have slowed down surveys over the holiday period too, I was getting them fairly regularly for awhile.

05 Jan 17 3:28 PM
General Chatter

How do I delete my account?

19 Oct 16 8:40 AM